Chakra Journey - Heart Chakra

πŸ’š Exploring  Anahata Heart Chakra this week at Yoga, looking at the healing power of forgiveness - acknowledging how difficult it can be (if not impossible) to forgive - whether it’s ourself or others, and that sometimes just starting with the intention to forgive is enough. ⁣


πŸ’š Anahata means β€œUnstruck” - we are all born a clean slate ready to love and be loved, and it’s when we get struck by life that we build anger or get struck by grief and other emotions we struggle to process and they get stuck - and our heart space gets blocked. ⁣


πŸ’š We build walls around our heart which we think keep us safe but in fact they hold us back, blocking love coming in and out of us. ⁣


πŸ’š Anger is valid and can be healthy, but anger should be temporary - it needs to be felt to be cleansed out. ⁣


πŸ’š Hate is stuck anger with nowhere to go. You can’t heal what you don’t feel πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ ⁣


πŸ’š Sometimes we don’t allow our feelings to come up, but blocked emotion doesn’t go away, in fact it will come up at some point and bite us on the ass to get attention πŸ˜†β£


πŸ’š Yoga is a chance to stop, to breathe deeper, to calm the chitter chatter of the ego, to seek our truth, to know our truth is beautiful. To know that all the raw, sad and angry parts of us are just as beautiful and valid as our joyful happy parts, and if we allow it all, we can release and let it go. ⁣


πŸ’š Findjng  compassion for ourself first and foremost enables us to find it for others, too. It starts right here, in our own beautiful heart πŸ’šβ£

πŸ’š It’s interesting to explore where we are hard on ourself in our practice and where the self critic comes up, and setting intention to let that go and harness gratitude in it’s place


Chakra Journey - Throat Chakra


Chakra Journey - Solar Plexus Chakra