Chakra Journey - Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakra Journey - Solar Plexus Chakra

🔥 Do you sometimes give your power away, and lose healthy boundaries? Or,  do you take someone else’s power away to make you feel stronger?⁣

🔥 It’s  Manipura Chakra (Solar plexus) week in yoga this week — our centre of confidence, willpower, authenticity, decision making and autonomy - basically the Badass chakra - with the element of fire 🔥it’s literally the fire in our belly to navigate us through the rocky path of life. ⁣

🔥 “I am enough” is the mantra, and a focus on not how to become fabulous,  but a realisation that in fact we are already truly fabulous; and that even with all our weaknesses, failings and vulnerabilities, we are perfect just as we are. ⁣

🔥 It’s when we believe that we are not enough that we start seeking validation from external sources. We people please, and don’t honour our own needs enough. We seek affirmation from others when all we need to really do is close our eyes, and look inside ourself for it. ⁣

🔥 Yoga isn’t about touching your toes or fancy poses. It’s a roadmap to guide you to your highest and best self, and that includes lighting your Manipura fire 🔥 of self belief, self acceptance and inner strength. ⁣

🔥 🌊 BTW I always love to see the perfect boundary of the sea and shore, somehow the sea finds its perfect edge every time despite it’s enormous size - blows my mind every time. If only our boundaries were this easy 😂🕉


Chakra Journey - Heart Chakra


Chakra Journey - Sacral Chakra