Chakra Journey - Third Eye Chakra
👁️ From Reacting and Responding to Reflecting…
👁️ We have worked our way up to Third Eye Chakra this week (Ajna) - which means to command or perceive, and that which is beyond wisdom. In other words - it’s not the kind of wisdom you can learn from a book, or anything we see with our two outward seeing eyes.
👁️ Third eye wisdom comes from looking inwards, and connecting to our soul, the deepest truest part of who we are, our pure conscious state.
👁️ It’s where all the work in lower chakras comes in to its own - we have a rooted grounded energy, we connect to feelings, we have harnessed confidence and self belief, we have connected to our heart’s love and compassion, we have learned to speak our truth and to listen to others. We are cultivating a deep other - worldly wisdom which gives us insight, awareness and intention.
👁️ We connected to our third eye this week by closing our two outward seeing eyes and taking time to look in. Time on our mat allows us time to move away from responding and reacting, and towards reflection instead. That sacred magical time to press pause on life, to take a step back and to shine the light of awareness on ourself.
👁️ Yoga gives us this precious time to reflect, the tool of self study (Svadhyaya), and the power in intention (San Kalpa). The chakras are our road map, our sat nav and map to our highest self. All we have to do is look in, we have everything we need within us.