Musings on Self-Love

Ohhhh such gorgeous dramatic skies walking the dogs last night after yoga, where we looked at self love and what that really means.

Ahimsa is the first guideline in yoga philosophy - non-harming. And this means first and foremost to do no harm to ourself - in other words, in order to serve the world well, we have to love ourself first.

It means going to the deepest most raw and painful places inside us, so that we can heal and build self belief. Then when we witness something or someone of beauty in the world, we are not triggered to a place of lack inside ourself. Coming from a foundation (or at least an intention) of self healing and self compassion is the spring board for us to then offer that to others.

If someone upsets you, it’s easy to blame and be angry. But was that act intentional, and actually had it triggered an old belief you carry of being not enough?

There is the gold right there - an opportunity to acknowledge, let go and create a new script for how we see ourself. It’s a life’s work but it’s so freeing when it happens.

Humans have around 6,200 thoughts a day. 90% of them are repetitive and nearly 85% are negative!! Just slipping in some “I am enough” thoughts can bring huge changes to how we feel about ourself.

Wishing everyone an abundance of Ahimsic self love We all need it.


You Are Always Welcome